

Agustín Angulo

Agustín is an undergraduate majoring in Computer Science. His interests include UI/UX design and development. Outside of academics, he tries to play an active role in the Latino community at UCI.

Alessio Diaz Cama

Alessio is an undergraduate computer science student specializing in AI/ML. He has contributed to TLC’s project developing an LLM tool to assist instructors in answering student logistic questions. In his spare time, he enjoys working out, rock-climbing, and hanging out with other international students to broaden his culture and exchange experience with others.

Ulises Maldonado

Ulises is an undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science, currently contributing to the Teaching and Learning in Computing (TLC) lab. His research focuses on efficiently running local Large Language Models (LLMs), with a focus on the impact of quantization on model outputs and assessing the efficacy of Generative AI in education.

HyunJun Park

Jun is an undergraduate Computer Science student specializing in Intelligent Systems. Under Professor Sergio Gago-Masague and Jennifer Wong-Ma’s guidance, he contributes to the Gradescope data scraping and analyzing team for Teaching and Learning in Computing Lab.

Zhenxuan (Richard) Zhang

Richard is a undergraduate student planning to major in Computer Science and Business Information Management. His current focus involves analyzing admission and academic data of CS students to understand the factors influencing probation and attrition. In his free time, he enjoys lifting weights and playing basketball.

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